
Neujahrsgrüße aus Haverfordwest  

Weihnachts-und Neujahrsgrüße von Derek Griffith, Leiter der Jugendherberge in Broadhaven und der Glencleddau Dancers, an die Schüler der RSO, die im Sommer 16 in Haverfordwest waren:

Schülergruppe der RSO in Wales im Sommer 2016

“Time has flown by, when you visited us in September, it was a memorable week, renewing friendship and making new ones.

I personally thoroughly enjoyed looking after the young people of Oberkirch, they were so well behaved, and a credit to their school, town of Oberkirch and also a credit to themselves. Could you please pass on my regards and love to them all, especially at this time of the year.Let us hope that the twinning will continue between the two towns, I will certainly do my best to encourage the young people of Haverfordwest to visit the wonderful town of Oberkirch.

So far for now, I wish you all a happy and healthy 2017


Foto: Johanna Graupe

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